Here are some of my projects that I feel like are worth showin off.
Flutter application with a focus on self-empowerment and productivity. Written in Dart with BLoC architecture and AWS Amplify backend. Available on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows
Game Hub
Video game discovery web app leveraging the API. Built with React, TypeScript, Chakra UI, Axios, React Query, React Router, and Zustand.
Website for my wife's pet services. Built with React, TypeScript, and Chakra UI.
MERN Stack application for Nucamp Coding Bootcamp Honors certificate.
Link Sync
All my links in a simple list. HTML, CSS, JS
Redux Cart
An example shopping cart using Redux Toolkit and Axios.
Chrome Dino Game, but it's me
Google Chrome jumping dino game. HTML, CSS, JS
Nucamp "Camping" Site
Course project built with MERN stack, special guest: Redux Toolkit
Cody Coderson Portfolio
Obligatory dev portfolio written with Next.js and deployed on Vercel because duh.